I n a recent survey, I asked my followers what they believed powerful women had in common. The survey identified eight icons in entertainment, political and social arenas. The responses were varied, but many agreed on several qualities, including power, confidence, beauty and humility, in addition to fame, resilience and strong leadership skills. However, the most unexpected trait among these women, that they uncovered, is these women's ability to harness the power of seduction. This power that has made them both formidable and flamboyant. How is that even possible? At first mention, "seduction" might evoke negative misinterpretations that have been sexualised in our minds. However, the truth is that seduction is a powerful and instinctual tool that some successful women have harnessed to their advantage. It is a skill set that can be used by empowered women to unlock their power and achieve their goals. It involves confidence, communication and an understanding of the po...